
One of the viewpoints from my Chicago hotel room looked over a conglomeration of inner-city streets and alleys. I find this sense of constructive chaos appealing for the simple fact that you could get a sense of the multiple stories playing out in the mass of concealed spaces which adds a Hitchcockesque sense of mystery.

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One of the viewpoints from my Chicago hotel room looked over a conglomeration of inner-city streets and alleys. I find this sense of constructive chaos appealing for the simple fact that you could get a sense of the multiple stories playing out in the mass of concealed spaces which adds a Hitchcockesque sense of mystery.

One of the viewpoints from my Chicago hotel room looked over a conglomeration of inner-city streets and alleys. I find this sense of constructive chaos appealing for the simple fact that you could get a sense of the multiple stories playing out in the mass of concealed spaces which adds a Hitchcockesque sense of mystery.